Articles tagged with "eventbridge"

Querying Local Health Check URLs

Do you run software that provides locally available health checks via a webserver only reachable via localhost? In this blog post, I will show you an architecture that you can use to connect those local health checks to CloudWatch Logs and even receive alarms if things are not going to plan.

Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM

Every machine has recurring tasks. Backups, updates, runs of configuration management software like Chef, small scripts, … But one of the problems in a cloud environment is visibility. Instead of scheduling dozens of cron jobs or tasks per instance, would it not be nice to have a central service for this? You already have. And it’s called EventBridge…

Prepopulate Lambda Console Testevents without dirty manual work using Terraform

You like Lambda testevents? Great! But with “automate everything”, manual console clicks are considered dirty! Keep your hand clean by automating the creation of Lambda test events. So you can give your team, and yourself prepopulated test events. This example shows you the terraform code - because this is the fastest way. With a little effort, you can translate it to CloudFormation or AWS-CDK!