Articles tagged with "level-300"

Automating Cross-Account / Cross-Region Backups with AWS Backup in AWS Organizations

In this blog post we’ll dive deep into AWS Backup. We cover how the service works, how to set it up and focus on how it interacts with different AWS resources. It’s crucial to understand which features are supported for different services such as EBS or S3 to understand how to protect your environment. Additionally we look into Cross-Region and Cross-Account backup and restore options in the context of an AWS Organization.

Using undocumented AWS APIs with Python

It’s probably not a surprise that (almost) everything Amazon Web Services offers is accessible through web services. AWS also provides a range of SDKs that make interfacing with and integrating them in your code base relatively painless. These SDKs are sometimes a bit limited, though. There are certain things that you can only do through the AWS console, meaning that there are still services under the surface, but they’re undocumented and not accessible through the official SDKs. That API call is what we refer to as an undocumented API. In this post, I’m going to show you how to discover these APIs and use them in your scripts.

GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1

The way from a cool POC (proof of concept), like a walk in monets garden, to a production-ready application for an RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) application with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Kendra is paved with some work. Let`s get our hands dirty. With streamlit and langchain, you can quickly build a cool POC. This two-part blog is about what comes after that.

Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack

Presentation Deploying resources with infrastructure as code is the recommended way to provision resources in AWS. The native AWS-way of doing it is by using Cloudformation or CDK (Cloud Development Kit), and you should of course do this from day one. But in real world sometimes somebody provisioned resources via the console, or there is a need of refactor your code and split your stack into multiple stacks. Luckily It is not very often we have cases where it’s required to import resources.

Climb the (bed)rock with Python, Javascript and GO

Bedrock is now available in eu-central-1. It’s time to get real and use it in applications. Reading all blog posts about Bedrock, you might get the impression that Python and LangChain is the only way to do it. Quite the opposite! As Bedrock makes calling the models available as AWS API, all AWS SDKs are supported! This post shows how to use Bedrock with Python, Javascript and GO.